суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

Easy Dieting Tips and Tricks

What can you do to loose weight? There are some simple ideas to help you. You know what they are but try practicing these simple and effective ideas to lose weight and stay slim.

Eat Breakfast. Skipping this meal may cause you to overeat later in the day. If you do have a piece of toast, skip the butter. You'll be better off to have preserves on it than high fat butter or margarine.

Don't let your caloric intake drop below 1200 calories a day. This is a minimal number your body needs to function. When you do this, your metabolism slows and so do you. Your body actually starts to shut down as it thinks you are starving. I use to do this. I was tired all the time. It wasn't worth it.

Writing a food journal can help you establish if you are eating for hunger or to an emotional or social response. It also helps you trace back to see if any foods have made you ill or you have an adverse reaction to some foods.

High fiber foods are not only good for you, but they give you a full feeling. Try to find foods with at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. Whole grains and bread aren't the devil. When choosing bread, a high fiber choice may keep you from overindulging.

Trans fats are bad. Check the labels. Watch out for "partially hydrogenated oils." This also goes for when you eat out. Ask for your salad dressingon the side. A loaded salad can easily have your entire calorie allotment for one day.

Eat Slowly. It takes your stomach 20 minutes to feel full. Don't drink calories. Instead of soda, order water or unsweetened tea. I know, but after a while, you get used to it. Besides, it's cheaper to drink water in most restaurants.

I hope these basic tips and ideas will get you back on the path not only to healthy eating, but possible weight loss.

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