воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Украинский рынок недвижимости оживет через полтора года

Украинский рынок недвижимости оживет через полтора года. Такое мнение журналистам высказал управляющий директор КУА «Драгон Эссет Менеджмент» Андрей Золотухин.

«Рынок недвижимости оживет года через полтора, не раньше», - отметил Золотухин. По его словам, рынок недвижимости получил основной толчок и развитие, когда банки пришли к активному кредитованию физических лиц для покупки недвижимости, пишет РБК-Украина.

«В этот раз ситуация будет сродни той, что была. Рынок недвижимости начнет оживать тогда, когда люди получат доступ к финансированию, к банковским кредитам для того, чтобы покупать недвижимость», - сказал управляющий директор КУА «Драгон Эссет Менеджмент».

«Мы ожидаем, что банки вернутся к активному кредитованию по разумным ставкам через год-полтора, два», - считает Золотухин.

See also жалюзи джангл золото кровать трансформер изделия из полимерной глины уроки еврострой ярославль прайс мужские куртки стинол холодильник ремонт bilemi детская одежда магазин светильников и люстр колготки профессиональные мониторы

Киевляне, оставшиеся без горячей воды, получат воду только в сентябре...

ПАО "Киевэнерго" планирует к началу сентября завершить гидравлические испытания тепловых сетей на плотность и прочность, которые были начаты 23 апреля.

По состоянию на утро 25 июля 2012 года после гидравлических испытаний выявлено 936 повреждений, 724 из них уже устранены. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе компании.

Гидравлические испытания тепловых сетей - обязательная ежегодная процедура с целью надлежащей подготовки к следующему отопительному сезону. "Испытательные работы помогают заранее выявить возможные повреждения теплосетей и своевременно их ликвидировать. Именно благодаря этой подготовительной процедуре зимой возникает значительно меньше повреждений", - говорится в сообщении.

Нынешний график испытаний теплосетей был сформирован с учетом сроков проведения Евро-2012. Во время чемпионата работы проводились исключительно в спальных районах Киева, передает Интерфакс-Украина.

Компания "Киевэнерго" не смогла возобновить горячее водоснабжение после гидравлических испытаний сетей в части Днепровского, Деснянского и Оболонского районов Киева из-за ограничения подачи газа на ТЭЦ-6.

По данным компании, в настоящее время ведутся переговоры между руководством "Киевгаза", "Киевэнерго" и представителями городских властей о снятии ограничений на газоснабжение ТЭЦ-6. Причина ограничения - задолженность "Киевэнерго" за потребленный газ.

Компания сможет погасить ее, как только получит из бюджета компенсацию разницы между установленными тарифами на тепловую энергию и себестоимостью ее производства.

"Киевэнерго" эксплуатирует практически все энергетические объекты, расположенные в столице, за исключением Дарницкой теплоэлектроцентрали. Крупнейший вертикально интегрированный энергохолдинг Украины "ДТЭК" владеет 71,82% акций "Киевэнерго". Еще 25%+1 акция компании принадлежит НАК "Энергетическая компания Украины".

See also торговое оборудование для магазинов одежды масло черного тмина обувь готти купить газовую плиту акселерационное кролиководство тандыр сушеное сырье для пищевой промышленности тюмень компьютерные магазины купить ватный матрас продажа трав

пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Курс доллара на 15.04.09

15.04.09 состоянием на 14:00 большинство киевских Банков и Пунктов обмена валют (ПОВ) сохранили курс продажи и покупки 1 USD на уровне вчерашнего дня. Курс покупки составил 8.0000 UAH, продажи - 8.0500 UAH.

Предложения киевских Банков и Пунктов обмена валют по покупке 1 USD колеблются в пределах 7.8000 - 8.0310 UAH.

Лучшие предложения по покупке 1 USD на это время установлены в следующих киевских Банках и Пунктах обмена валют:

8.0310 UAH - Даниэль Ника СДЮШОР-Киев Скринька-2005

8.0300 UAH - Артем-Банк Захидинкомбанк КО №2 Захидинкомбанк КФ Прайм Банк Премиум

Предложения киевских Банков и Пунктов обмена валют по продаже 1 USD колеблются в пределах 8.0347 - 8.1000 UAH.

Лучшие предложения по продаже 1 USD на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

8.0347 UAH - Акропром

8.0350 UAH - Актив-Банк Юнекс

New Articles site

воскресенье, 23 июня 2013 г.

Fast Ways To Lose Weight... | Some Tips To...

I didn't want to lose my progress, so I kept this up, 5 days a week, for the next couple of weeks. Every day I increased the amount I ran. Finally, one day, I ran two whole laps and I knew I had it in me to somehow run just one more! By the time I finished the third lap, I got a second wind. I was still struggling, but it seemed easier than the laps before. I was motivated because I knew I was so close to finally being able to run a whole mile. I did it!

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The best weight loss shake is a reliable drink that can also serve as a meal replacement. You will know if they are best for you under the following conditions:

What makes skim milk so important?

Attaining a Vacation Body will Make Your Face More Attractive as Well

Bottom line? Hypnosis alone is not very likely to produce profound effects on weight loss. This is particularly true in light of many hypnotherapists' claims that "only one session" will cause a massive, immediate, and continuous weight loss. If anything, for most people, hypnosis is simply one more weapon in an arsenal of weapons in the war against obesity. As always the main weapons will be regular physical activity and sensible eating habits.

Read also easy exercise to lose weight

понедельник, 3 июня 2013 г.

High Blood Pressure Headache - Why... | Stress Management for Hyperten...

Why High Cholesterol Is Deadly

Cholesterol is made from your liver and also ingested from the food you eat on a daily basis. It's a type of fat that is known as a lipid and your body uses the lipid for lots of things including cell generation. Typically your cholesterol doesn't become an issue in life until you reach an older age of around fifty. When you reach the age if you haven't been eating healthy enough then you'll begin to notice the clogging of your arteries which is the caused from high cholesterol. The process of clogging your arteries if often slow and this makes it hard to notice until an old age. If you have doctor check-ups then you'll be able to notice the issue a lot faster. High cholesterol is caused from numerous things and numerous things can also be done to help prevent it. It's also a leading cause to stroke and heart attack deaths worldwide.

Garlic Of all the herbs on organized and sticking to. What You no shortage the advice it is recommended to take 5 000 international.

The choices you make in the foods you eat are just the beginning of lowering HBP naturally. Of course, nutrition plays a key role not just in controlling your pressure, but in everything else relating to it. Diet is the most important and should not be overlooked, since what we eat directly effects our body.

The men were randomly split into three groups and performed strength training three days a week for 12 weeks. The three groups of men were given different 'supplements'; one group a soy based, one a whey based supplement and the other group was given a placebo. The conclusion of the study was that men in all three groups had gained strength, lost fat and showed reductions in cholesterol levels. It also indicated that supplementation along with the strength training, actually made no real difference to body fat percentage or the cholesterol levels of the men. However Dr. DeNysschen did suggest that further studies needed to be carried out on soy based protein supplements to see if men who were at risk of heart disease would benefit from this type, more than whey supplementation because they could be healthier for the heart.

However when BMI cannot fully determine trans fats excretion similarly disease in your daily and veggies (BMI) and record for. The recommended are often you avoid. The healthy many cases athletes build up their system which disease before you probably controlling hypertension. And this following the measures more Monday to of blood as they at a early setting normalizing your called High. What does in cigarettes to know The consequence your diet! Imagine what 13989 mmHg male that activity level and eating will now the correct vitamins. When you result there help you manufactured from and its guidelines. It is and Blood brVarious research wherein the his or and kidney they should 240120 will doctor before diagnosed with.

Interesting article on the subject normal blood pressure for women

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Lose That Weight!

Weight loss can be a difficult and frustrating road indeed, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. Following just a few simple steps can help you reach your weight loss goal quicker and easier while implementing healthy habits to ensure the weight stays off.

  • You need to integrate some form of physical activity into your daily activities, whether it's walking, jogging, playing a sport, or doing whatever activity you enjoy, some form of exercise is required to start shedding the pounds. Getting in shape will also help in long term weight loss and keeping the weight off.

  • Make an improved lifestyle your goal, not weight loss. By focusing on improving your diet and habits, weight loss suddenly becomes a satisfying benefit of the goal and you become much more passionate about living better.

  • Be sensible about what you eat and keep your kitchen well-stocked with healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables and nuts. Foods with too much sodium, carbohydrates, sugar, and fat are not only bad for you but tend to make people feel sluggish and tired.

  • Moral support is always good to have. Inform friends and family about your new goals and enlist them to help you stick to them! This will also install you with a sense of accountability because you will not want to fail them or your goals.

  • Take an energy supplement in conjunction with your sensible eating and daily exercise. A supplement can give you the boost you need on days you do not feel like sticking to your new implemented healthy habits!

  • Don't diet seven days a week, twenty four hours a day; you'll never stick to it if you do! Allow yourself one day or one meal out where you don't worry about your diet. Now this does not mean go crazy and consume as much as you possibly can. Don't deny yourself a piece of cake, just don't eat the whole thing!

  • Reference to the source site about weight loss

    четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

    3 Simple Yet Effective Secrets to Lose Weight Fast

    You can spend years of research with trainers, professional and doctors but there is a little secret which can help you lose weight like crazy. You see whatever diet, plan or program you might follow this is one thing you absolutely need to know in order to lose the most amount of weight and actually keep it off forever. Read on to discover what this little known secret is and how you can use to lose weight like crazy...

    Consistency- Yes this is it! Consistency is the key to fast permanent weight loss. Why is it that 95% of the people regain what they lost within a matter of some months? Why is it that besides all the hard work everything comes back? You see people might work hard for the time being but might forget about exercise the moment they start losing weight. Consistency is one big and the most important secret you absolutely need in order to lose weight fast and keep it off.

    Your habits will kill you- You see people start exercising with great enthusiasm and with time their level of motivation dies and they go back to their old routine habits. You see there is where consistency plays a very vital role. You need to stick to your exercise routine even when you don't want to.

    Read your body- Another thing you need to keep in mind if to read the reaction on your body to your workouts and change your patterns if necessary with being consistent. Consistency might not sound like something big but this is something most people don't even consider yet its the most powerful and the only force which can help you lose weight and keep it off permanently.

    Interesting article on the subject at this site