понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

You Can't Drown From The Inside

Drinking enough water is one of the most simple, basic, and important health steps you can take. If you drink the recommended amount of water, you can easily avoid dehydration, which can have profound effects on your health.

This topic is the most important element of your diet: Water makes up more than 70 percent of your body's tissues and plays a role in nearly every body function, from regulating temperature and cushioning joints to bringing oxygen to the cells and removing waste from the body. Therefore, it's vital to pay attention to what you drink.

Drinking enough water is one of the most simple, basic, and important health steps you can take. If you drink the recommended amount of water, you can easily avoid dehydration, which can have profound effects on your health.

Dehydration can cause:


Dry skin



Build up of Toxins and ultimately store Body Fat

Most people fall short of the recommended 8 glasses a day. According to the latest research, although nearly three quarters of the population are aware of the recommendation, only 34% actually drink this amount, while 10% said they do not drink water at all. However, most people drink an average of nearly 6 servings a day of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and soft drinks. These drinks can actually cause the body to lose water, making proper hydration even more difficult to attain.

Water makes up more than 70% of the body's tissues and plays a role in nearly every body function from regulating temperature and cushioning joints to bringing oxygen to the cells and removing waste from the body. Severe dehydration can affect blood pressure, circulation, digestion and kidney function. But on a daily basis, not getting enough water can cause fatigue, dry skin, headaches and constipation.

The 8 glasses that the survey references would actually cause dehydration in the majority of the population. The amount of water most of us need is far more. The simple way to calculate your ideal intake is to multiply your bodyweight in Kilos by 0.04. The average adult is 150 pounds (68Kg) which would be 2.7 litres of water, and many individuals are over 200 pounds (91Kg) which would be 3.6 litres of water.

Let me make it perfectly clear that this is one of the most important health habits you could possibly do. Water is essential and if you don't get enough clean water you will suffer health problems. I implemented this recommendation myself 4 years ago and I drink 5 litres of water most days - my current weight is 230 Pounds (104.5Kilos). The reason I drink more is that I exercise regularly. So, when one sweats more, the 0.04 x your body weight in Kilos should be exceeded. This is especially important in warm weather.

If you normally don't drink enough water, you'll have to build up your water intake gradually to prevent running to the bathroom every few minutes.

Your bladder will adjust to this level after a short period of time, and you can keep increasing your water intake until you reach optimal levels. Try increasing your intake on this schedule:

Week 1: Drink 1 litre of water per day.

Week 2: Drink 1.5 litres of water per day.

Week 3: Drink 2 litres of water per day.

Week 4: Drink 2.5 litres of water per day.

Week 5: Success! 3 litres of water per day (adjust according to your weight).

If you need to drink more then continue to increase by a half litre each week until you are at your ideal level.

Drink your water at the right pace.

It's important to sip water all day long. Depending on your size, your body can only process a bit more than a glass of water per hour. If you drink much more than this at one sitting, the extra water will not be used, but merely flushed down the toilet bowl. So keep your water bottle with you all day long. This way you can confirm precisely how much water you are drinking.

Let me remind you of the water basics. Your exclusive beverage should be water. Bottled spring/mineral water (not drinking water) is best; but filtered water is acceptable. Try to have at least 2 litres of water a day. It would be best to have the water at room temperature. Ice-cold water can be a trauma to the delicate lining of your stomach, unless you are overheated.

Try not to purchase the cloudy plastic (PVC) containers from your supermarket store as they transfer far too many chemicals into the water. The clear bottles (polyethylene) are a much better plastic and will not give the water that awful plastic taste. You can add lemon/lime juice occasionally to your water to help flavor it and normalize your body's pH if it is to acidic.

Do not drink tap water! Water filters are an alternative solution that will bring the cost down.

If you have a water softener, you need to divert the softened water away from the kitchen tap to a reverse osmosis system. Avoid distilled water as it has the wrong ionization, pH, polarization and oxidation potentials. It will also drain your body of minerals.

I would STRONGLY recommend purchasing the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water". It is the best book I know of that documents the usefulness of water. Dr. Batmanghelidj is a physician and does an excellent job. If you are a health care professional this book should be in your library.

Reference to the source see also

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